Python OOP
I frequently hear Python referred to as a ‘scripting’ language, because it’s not compiled. Unfortunately, for this reason, a lot of people seem to assume you can’t write ‘real’ programs with it. This post is about moving beyond using Python as a scripting language. I’m assuming you’re already comfortable with basic python data types and methods.
Note: Most of the content here is specific to Python 3. If you’re just learning Python now, don’t learn Python 2, it’s being deprecated and many current libraries already stopped supporting it.
What is OOP and why you should learn it
OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming. It’s a way to create more structure in your code. More structure means your code is easier to extend, and easier to test.
When I first started learning OOP, I found it kind of confusing, and since then I’ve taught a few other people how it works, but I never had great references or textbooks to use for reference. So I’m making my own.
I’m going to start with a very simple example, related to food. Let’s start with dessert, because life is short.
class Sweets:
def __init__(self):
Let’s create a class to keep track of all the different kinds of desserts we want to make. The class keyword in python is not capitalized, but the name of the class is.
A class name is a noun, and usually something that refers to a group, or something that can be grouped. For example, you could have a Flock class or a Bird class. There’s usually not much point in making a class unless you know it’s going to have multiple copies or versions of an object type.
The first thing we’ll do is write an __init__
method to initialize an object using our class
This special double-underbar or ‘dunder’ method will let us set default values for attributes.
I’ve never seen a class without one. Usually, if you can’t think
of anything to put in the __init__
method, or you don’t need
a set of methods attached to an object, those are hints that you might not need to make a class.
In this case, the __init__
method can take inputs to define each of our different types of dessert.
The self argument is a reference that python uses to keep track of which instance of the class we’re talking about. So each time we create a new Sweets object, it will have its own attributes, which we refer to by using self within the class methods. This will become clearer, hopefully, as we go along. (Note: I found self rather clunky and confusing when I first started learning this, so I’ll do my best to clarify.)
Let’s add some attributes into our __init__
. Attributes are like adjectives,
since usually they’re used to describe the class
or the instances in the class.
class Sweets:
def __init__(self, sweetness:str, crunchiness:str, stickiness:str):
self.sweetness = sweetness
self.crunchiness = crunchiness
self.stickiness = stickiness
Here, I’ve added some arguments into our __init__
method. Note that I’m using type hinting to indicate that they’re
all strings (str). Then I convert those inputs into attributes by saving them onto self with names.
So here’s how you use that:
First, I’m going to instantiate (create) a baked_donut, which is an instance of the Sweets class.
baked_donut = Sweets(sweetness='high', crunchiness='low', stickiness='low')
Note that you don’t have to add self
when you create the object, the python runtime does that for you
automagically in the background.
Let’s check that our baked_donut is the type we expect:
> type(baked_donut)
> isinstance(baked_donut, Sweets)
And now let’s check that our inputs were saved onto the baked_donut instance of the Sweets class.
> baked_donut.sweetness
The advantage of doing it this way, is now we can create other dessert objects with different attributes.
ginger_cookie = Sweets(sweetness='medium', crunchiness='high', stickiness='low')
And we can add methods onto the class, which all the instances can use.
class Sweets:
def __init__(self, sweetness:str, crunchiness:str, stickiness:str):
self.sweetness = sweetness
self.crunchiness = crunchiness
self.stickiness = stickiness
self.eaten = False
def was_eaten(self):
self.eaten = True
More specific classes: inheritance
So now let’s say we want to add a specific method onto only a subset of Sweets. One way we can do that is by inheriting from or subclassing Sweets.
class Cookie(Sweets):
def crumble(self):
self.size = 0
So now the Cookie class inherits the __init__
method and the was_eaten()
method from the Sweets class. So Cookie can
use those methods, even though you don’t see them here, and we don’t have to write them out again.
And, we added a new method. We want our crumble method to reduce the size attribute down to 0. But what was it originally?
We want to add this new attribute, size, into the __init__
method for Cookie that was not in Sweets.
We can just do that, and it would look like this:
class Cookie(Sweets):
def __init__(self, sweetness, crunchiness, stickiness):
self.size = 10
def crumble(self):
if self.eaten == False:
self.size = 0
elif self.eaten == True:
print("It's gone!")
But now, since we created a new __init__
method, Cookie will run this local __init__
and it will not run the __init__
that was in Sweets.
With this version of the code, we can’t use sweetness
, crunchiness
, stickiness
, or eaten
because this version of the Cookie class didn’t initialize any of those attributes,
so it doesn’t know what they are. This is not really the behavior we expected.
raw_cookie = Cookie(sweetness='high', crunchiness='low', stickiness='low')
> raw_cookie.sweetness
AttributeError: 'Cookie' object has no attribute 'sweetness'
Super() is superior
What if we want to use all the attributes that are defined in the Sweets __init__
method, AND add new attributes
specific to Cookie?
To do that, we use super()
Super refers to the parent or base class that we’re inheriting from.
In this case, we’re going to run the parent (Sweets)
method first, and then add the size attribute.
class Cookie(Sweets):
def __init__(self, sweetness, crunchiness, stickiness):
super().__init__(sweetness, crunchiness, stickiness)
self.size = 10
def crumble(self):
if self.eaten == False:
self.size = 0
elif self.eaten == True:
print("It's gone!")
This part is a little confusing sometimes, so I want to break it down a little more.
The arguments being passed into the Cookie __init__
method are the inputs you’re entering.
Then we pass them to the __init__
method that was inherited from the Sweets class,
which is why we have to list them again. We don’t have to list self again.
To use this with inputs, we instantiate a new cookie object:
c = Cookie(sweetness='high', crunchiness='high', stickiness='low')
And then we can check that both our inherited attributes and methods, as well as our new attributes and methods, are all there on our new object:
> c.size
> c.sweetness
> c.was_eaten()
> c.crumble()
"It's gone!"
Multiple inheritance
Multiple inheritance happens if you want to inherit from more than one parent class. The only time this really makes sense is if the two classes provide very different functionality. So here’s an example where it could be useful:
class Box:
def __init__(self):
self.side = 4
class Chassis:
def __init__(self):
self.wheels = 4
class ModelTrain(Box, Chassis):
def __init__(self):
super(ModelTrain, self).__init__()
def blow_horn(self):
print('choo choo!')
Note that I did it this way to make sure the __init__
methods get called for both of the parent classes,
as described in more detail in the answers to this StackOverflow question.
Having said that, if you’re considering using multiple inheritance, be very careful. Here’s my advice on that:
- Avoid it.
Multiple inheritance gets messy and confusing.
If you need to do it, think hard about changing your design. - Unique names are helpful.
If you still think it makes sense, or you have to use someone else’s code and you can’t change it, at least try to name your methods differently in the parent and children classes, if you can.
Obviously, you can’t do this with__init__
, which is why you have to know about howsuper()
works. - If you can’t avoid it, remember the MRO: method resolution order.
If you have methods with the same name in your class and in one or more parent classes, the local one is used first, and then the parent.
Beyond that, I recommend trying to check the MRO using the.__mro__
attribute, as described elsewhere.
Composition is another term you’ll hear, as in ‘composition is better than inheritance’. Composition just means that one object or class knows about another one, but doesn’t inherit from it.
Here’s a very simplified example of the type of design I’ve used a lot for data engineering:
class DataCleaner:
def __init__(self, inputdata):
self.raw = inputdata
def fill_null_integers(self):
Helper method
#todo: fill missing integers with 0
def fill_empty_strings(self):
Helper method
#todo: fill missing strings with "None"
def remove_bad_characters(self):
Helper method
#todo: replace '-' with '_'
def cleanup_method(self):
return dataframe
class DataPipeline:
def __init__(self, inputdata):
self.inputdata = inputdata
def first_step(self):
self.dataframe = DataCleaner(self.inputdata)
def second_step(self):
#todo: reshape
def third_step(self):
#todo: flatten, etc.
So in this case, DataPipeline uses the DataCleaner class as a way to encapsulate some code and pass it around in a more readable way. It also makes it easier to reuse the DataCleaner class, as well as making it easier to write and run tests for the DataCleaner class separately from the DataPipeline class.
In this case, composition is arguably better than inheritance. The DataPipeline class doesn’t need to use what’s in the DataCleaner class, it just has to be able to use the output of DataCleaner.cleanup_method().
Sometimes, inheritance is actually simpler than composition.
Here’s our Cookie example again, but this time with composition instead of inheritance, so we don’t have worry about using super() at all, which seems simpler at first:
class Cookie:
def __init__(self, sweetness, crunchiness, stickiness):
self.description = Sweets(sweetness, crunchiness, stickiness)
self.size = 10
def crumble(self):
if self.eaten == False:
self.size = 0
elif self.eaten == True:
print("It's gone!")
But now when we want to access the attributes that came from Sweets, we have to do it via self.description, which gets kind of confusing, since we have to keep track of what’s in there vs. what isn’t:
composed_cookie = Cookie(sweetness='high', crunchiness='low', stickiness='low')
> composed_cookie.description.sweetness
This is a big topic, so I’m just going to stop there for now. This is enough to get you started, at least. Future posts may include discussion on abstract base classes, metaclasses, mixins, etc. if that seems useful.
Special thanks to Danek Duvall, Tom Marthal, and Jeremy Abramson for suggested clarifications on this post.
Here are a couple of other references that might help you as you start to use classes in python: